In a tall, straight sided pint glass
fill loosely with ice
add 8-12 shakes or grinds of salt and pepper (to taste)
12+ splashes of Worcestershire sauce
10-ish splashes of Tabasco sauce
as much hot horseradish as you can stand (for newbies I put about a half a teaspoon)
two each lemon and lime wedges, squeezed (optional)
pour 2oz of vodka over the ice to begin breaking up the ingredients
[at this point you can make it a Bloody Caesar by adding
a couple of ounces of clam juice or substituting Clamato for of the tomato juice)]
a couple of ounces of clam juice or substituting Clamato for of the tomato juice)]
[or you can have a Bloody Bullfight by adding a couple of ounces of beef broth]
top with the best tomato juice you can find
roll drink into larger glass or shaker and roll back and forth a couple of times
roll drink into larger glass or shaker and roll back and forth a couple of times
garnish with pickled crunchy object of your choice like green beans, carrots (my favorite), olives, garlic, peppers, shallots, cauliflower, olives with almonds or garlic... if these are pickled hot, all the better!
Serve with a straw and a big stack of napkins for swiping the forehead.
Rinse and repeat.
Is a fantastic pick me up virgin as well.